Woodpecker Suet


Attract woodpeckers with a high-energy blend of their favorite seeds, nuts, and fruit blended with suet. Woodpeckers and other colorful birds enjoy this premium treat all year.

  • Premium high-energy woodpecker suet with seeds, nuts, and fruit

  • Attracts woodpeckers, flickers, sapsuckers, nuthatches, titmice, jays, and cardinals

  • For use in a small-size basket feeder

Ingredients: Rendered Beef Suet, Sunflower, Corn, Peanut Meal, Peanuts, Mixed Feed Nuts, Raisins.

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Sunflower Suet
Berry Flavored Suet
High Energy Suet
Nut & Mealworm Suet
Nutty Treat Suet